UCL Union The Union is currently leading the fight against the associated issue on top-up fees, and is to carry out a referendum on student opinions of the merger proposals
UCL AUT The UCL Association of University Teachers has a dedicated part of its website covering the proposals
Committee for UCL UCL's academic big guns fight back with much background information on the murky origins and possible consequences of a merger. The names against the merger are adding up day by day - watch their list....Of great interest is the less than convincing history of the mergers Messrs. Sykes and Roberts have been involved in previously.
ULU The merger information page on the ULU site, with good links
UCL The college's official site contains the approved propaganda
Imperial College vapid statement from the Merger Committee about their 'vision' - notable for complete absence of any future for the humanities
UCL Intranet Interesting stuff for those who can access it, including Sir Derek's extremely skewed SWOT analysis
Simon Jenkins's first-class Evening Standard article, (31st October) flaying the merger proposals
Nature's exposé of the wrong-headedness of the assumptions of Roberts and Sykes (free site registration necessary)
Sir Alan Ryan of New College Oxford twits Sir Derek's poor grasp of sociology, amongst other things.
Threatened back-bench revolt may signal abandonment of top-up fees, removing a plank of the merger argument.