Search Results for: "George Lewith"
Jump to follow-up In July 2008 I wrote an editorial in the New Zealand Medical Journal (NZMJ), at the request of its editor. The title was Dr Who? deception by chiropractors. It was not very flattering and it resulted in a letter from lawyers ...
Jump to follow-up The King’s Fund recently published Assessing complementary practice Building consensus on appropriate research methods [or download pdf]. It is described as being the “Report of an independent advisory group”. I gues ...
On 23rd May 2009, the Financial Times magazine published a six-page cover story about pseudo-scientific degrees by Richard Tomkins. The online version has the text but doesn’t do justice to the prominence that it was given. The print version had a m ...
Jump to follow-up Two days ago I wrote NICE falls for Bait and Switch by acupuncturists and chiropractors: it has let down the public and itself Now the official ‘guidance’ is out, and it is indeed quite as bad as the draft. The relevant bits ...
Jump to the homeopathy debate Jump to follow-up: Brian Kaplan Obama wins! Bush and Blair have gone. Could this mark the beginning of the end of the fashion for believing things that aren’t true? Trinity College Dublin: the Phil. “Creati ...
Here is an interchange of letters from this week’s BMJ. George Lewith says more money should be spent by the government on research on alternative medicine. Well, only if it is spent properly, and that is not what has happened in the past. (Lett ...
The current issue of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology has what looks like a good placebo controlled trial of homeopathy from France. “Effect of homeopathy on analgesic intake following knee ligament reconstruction: a phase III monocentre ...
The Nature title picture was ‘Taken from The Complete Guide to Homeopathy, © Dorling Kindersley Ltd’ (not a recommended text book at UCL) Nature (March 22 2007) ran this commentary, alongside a News item by Jim Giles: Download a reprint of th ...
The regulations that allow unjustified claims to be made for homeopathic pills were the subject of an annulment debate in the House of Lords on 26 October 2006. The regulations were introduced as a statutory instrument. “Statutor ...
The regulations that allow unjustified claims to be made for homeopathic pills were the subject of an annulment debate in the House of Lords on 26 October 2006. The regulations were introduced as a statutory instrument. “Statutory Instruments (SIs) ...
The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ACAI) has issued a superbly reasoned analysis of about 30 allergy-related tests and treatments that “have been promoted in the absence of any scientific rationale.” [Mullins RJ. Unort ...
George Lewith, who is an advocate of CAM research, appears to have rather different standards in his private clinic. Some interesting emails have come into my possession recently. They concern the Centre for Complementary and Integrated Medicine, which giv ...
Jump to Open University course K221 Jump to follow-up BBC2 TV showed a much-advertised series on alternative medicine, in February 2006. The programmes seem to be linked with a dubious Open University course. The programmes are presented by Kathy Sykes ...